"As a long-time Surfside resident, devoted husband, and loving father, I am deeply invested in the well-being of our town. I firmly believe in the potential for Surfside to thrive and flourish while preserving the distinctive charm that has always set us apart."

Leading with Passion and Purpose
As the mayor of Surfside, I have always strived to act in the best interests of our town. Over the last two years, I have faced many challenges. However, I have never been afraid to make tough decisions, even when they were unpopular. I believe that a leader does not merely follow the fluctuating winds of public opinion. The job of a leader is to have a vision, set objectives, execute those objectives, and deliver concrete results.
Despite the myriad challenges of the past two years, I have consistently delivered on my initiatives, even in the face of adversity. My journey is fueled by a passion for progress, and I remain resolute in driving positive change. Despite differences of opinions, we all want what's best for our town, and I truly believe that together we can build a better Surfside for everyone!

Putting My Experience to Work
I take great pride in being a dedicated husband and father to five remarkable children. In 2010, driven by the desire to provide a better life for our family, we left New York and discovered the tranquil haven of Surfside. In 2012, we realized our dream of purchasing a home, and it brings us immense joy to see our children reveling in the daily delights of biking to and from school at the nearby Ruth K. Broad Elementary.
Growing up as the eldest of twelve siblings has deeply ingrained in me a profound sense of leadership, a quality that has become invaluable throughout my 27+ years of dedicated support for tech startups and industry giants alike. I take pride in my ability to successfully lead teams, often exceeding 100 members, employing a strategic and collaborative approach to problem-solving. This skillset played a pivotal role in the triumphant implementation of cutting-edge technologies and applications across 33 state correctional institutions and multiple law enforcement agencies.
As a devoted Surfside resident, husband, and father, my commitment to preserving the beauty of Surfside is unwavering. I am passionately dedicated to ensuring that our community continues to thrive as a haven for our families and loved ones, and I embrace the continued responsibility of contributing to the ongoing success and vibrancy of our beloved town.
Shlomo Danzinger
Town of Surfside, FL

Leadership Beyond Controversy
As your incumbent mayor, I am driven by a forward-looking vision for our town, a vision that prioritizes progress and the well-being of our residents. In this election, it's crucial to recognize the stark difference between my opponent, fixated on the past and mired in controversy, and my commitment to a future of positive change.
While my opponent dwells on bygones, I am focused on shaping a tomorrow where Surfside thrives. My mission is clear: to enhance the quality of life for each resident. I am dedicated to improving our infrastructure, ensuring our neighborhoods are safe and thriving, and fostering an environment that supports local businesses and creates opportunities for our community.
Let us leave the divisive politics of the past behind. Together, we can propel Surfside into a brighter future, a future defined by progress, safety, and an unwavering commitment to our residents.

Focusing on What Really Matters
Investing in Community Safety and Policing
Enhancing Resident's Quality of Life
Prioritizing Safe and Responsible Development
Protecting our Condo Residents
Protecting Homeowner's Property Rights
Promoting Fiscal Responsibility
Upholding Civility and Dignity of Office
A Shared Vision for Surfside's Future
Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns that you may have. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing my vision for a better Surfside.

Promises Made. Promises Kept.

Initiated Stormwater master plan project to combat flooding

Improved beach safety w/ beach-path lighting and ADA access mats

Redesigned and renovated Hawthorn TotLot

Enhanced and improved our Community and Senior programming

Prioritized the needs of the victims of Champlain Towers South

Focused on resiliency w/ our dune and seawall improvement projects

Installed new "smart" surveillance systems to prevent crime

Provided first-class beach chair service for residents

Installed outdoor exercise equipment to promote healthy lifestyle

Funded and executed the construction of 96th Street Park

Engaged with condo residents and held forums for safe practices

Hired resources to tackle the double parking issue and beach safety

Enacted legislation to address the growing homeless crisis

Established interagency agreements to augment police resources.
Discover the many initiatives and projects accomplished during my initial term in office. CHAMPLAIN TOWERS • Prioritized needs of Champlain Towers by establishing a special meeting to address outstanding tasks • Established and Chair Champlain Towers Memorial Committee comprised of family members to guide memorial initiatives • Designed and installed banners with names of 98 lost around ground zero site • Established temporary memorial at veterans park until permanent memorial will be built • Coordinated and arranged weekend-long private event for families and first responders for first-year anniversary • Coordinated and arranged international scale memorial event for first-year anniversary • Coordinated and arranged second year anniversary event, establishing a template to be followed annually • Approved $2 million insurance payout for the families • Established Surfside Heroes Appreciation Month for the Month of June to commemorate the efforts of the first responders after CTS • Established June 24 as Surfside Champlain Towers South Remembrance Day • Negotiated with developer after sale of the property to allow for memorial banner to remain on private property (until construction began) • Negotiated with developer to obtain private land to be incorporated into 88th Street memorial park at the request of family members • Planned, coordinated, and executed the second year anniversary event and created a template for manageable continuity • Lobbied and received $500,000 towards expense for the independent investigation conducted by Allyn Kilsheimer • Adopted the renaming of a portion of Collins Ave 87th-88th Street as "98 Points of Light Way" TOWN IMPROVEMENTS • Repainted and beautified Town Seal on Town Hall building • Redesigned Town Hall lobby to be warm and inviting to residents seeking assistance • Beautified Veterans Park • Allowed for homeowners to maintain their lawns on Sunday (previously not allowed) during reduced hours. Does not apply to commercial vendors. • Initiated resort-class beach chair service free for residents • Started design on a new Resident gym and rooftop pickle ball center on 88th Street • Funded and executed the construction of 96th Street Park • Redesigned Hawthorn Tot Log with rubber mats, new equipment, added shade structures, and exercise equipment • Installed turtle friendly solar lights along beach path for added safety and accessibility • Amended town ordinance on beach chairs to apply equal access for condo residents • Created resident only parking spaces in Abbot parking lot • New and enhanced community events and the addition of 47 new parks programs • Funded and initiated work towards undergrounding of the utilities • Created ordinance requiring all future utility providers install their infrastructure utilizing undergrounding methods in Surfside • Initiated downtown improvement and beautification project • ADA beach mats to provide beach access to elderly and disabled • Installed outdoor exercise equipment to promote healthy lifestyle for residents • Approved new decorative street signs (to be incorporated into the undergrounding project) • Working on Smart Parking initiative for municipal lots • Streamlined permitting and approval processes and created online permitting portal • Obtained a new in-house street sweeper to deliver services and increase street cleanliness • Obtained new Freebee on-demand transportation service free for residents • Pursued and received Better City for Pets Certification which will allow us to qualify for grants for pet /animal friendly initiatives • Enhanced Town's annual July 4th Celebration with addition of modern and captivating drone show • Initiated the procurement of a new utility vehicle dedicated to in-house beach raking services for more frequent cleaning • Updated Town Website to conform to ADA compatibility requirements • Allowed homeowners to install eco-friendly artificial turf • Allowed for fences and gates to be installed by right, subject to review by the Town Planner • Increased tennis morning hours starting 1 hour earlier COMMUNITY SAFETY • Cleared hedges and beautified on 95th & Abbott which was creating a hazardous visibility issue • Initiated comprehensive traffic study to facilitate walkability and pedestrian safety initiative • Implemented a Town-wide vulnerability and CAT5 assessment & feasibility study adaptation action plan • Secured approval and funding for pedestrian crosswalks at 90th & Harding, 89th & Harding, and Collins • Added smart-technology security cameras in public areas in town • Addressing ADA issues in high traffic areas throughout town • Fixed vehicular visibility issues in locations throughout the residential neighborhood • Installed barricades at dead end streets • Added traffic mitigation solutions including stop signs speed bumps, and pedestrian crossings throughout town • Coordinated with FDOT for more efficient traffic signalization • Initiated special joint operation w/ Bal /Bay Harbour to address speeding • Created full time Community Service Aide positions to address double parking and enforce beach ordinances • Installed automatic radar detection to act as speed deterrent • Conducted multiple online Q&A workshops for residents for various safety topics • Approved the acquisition of Ford F150 Police utility vehicles to enhance police accessibility in challenging terrain, including flooded areas and beach access • Prioritized officer and resident safety by replacing and upgrading antiquated police radios and dispatch system • Enacted legislation to protect residents and address the homeless crisis • Procurement of beach safety vehicles for police to enhance their access and presence on the beach. • Changed tobacco and vape shops from as of right to require commission approval COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT • Funded Nurse initiative at Ruth K Broad K-8 • Funded extra Security at Ruth K Broad K-8 with additional School Resource Officer • Made donation of supplies for Culinary arts class at Ruth K Broad K-8 • Donated $10,000 to Ruth K Broad K-8 for new Library • Established new standards by creating bi-monthly emails from mayors office with updates on new legislation and projects • Established new standards by creating frequent virtual Q&A webinars for residents on important topics and issues • Began discussions for the establishment of a new high-school for the 33154 area • Initiated the inceptions of a Surfside Youth Council • Created Sister City with Shomron Israel • Created Sister City with Hialeah Florida PRIORITIZING SAFE & RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT • Allowed for understory designs to create more flood resilient homes, creating more light and air, additional permeable area, while maintaining 30-foot height limitation • Clarified 24" projections in the code allowing for ornamental features for homes and buildings, encouraging variety & more beautiful designs • Isolated and fixed zoning ambiguities in zoning code to ensure clear laws and directions for homeowners • Fixed previous commission limitation on docks to 10 feet, reverting back to 30 feet or 10% as previously allowed • Enforce new safety regulations and requirements for development and construction of new projects • Negotiated with developers on the implementation of a Luffing Crane for the construction of 93 Ocean, ensuring that no elements would swing over the Community Center during the building process. • Initiated reduced permit fees to mitigate costs for condos going through recertification and special assessments • Protected older homes by requiring new elevated homes must include retaining walls to manage on-site stormwater runoff • Encouraged future development of smaller homes by allowing for 50% lot coverage on 1-story homes (not applicable and must be cured for 2 story homes) • Opposing and actively resisting the Live Local Act, as well as addressing the unintended consequences associated with it • Allowed more easier process for garage conversions • Optimized non-critical permitting process • Allowed for minor roof repair without permitting • Required outdoor lighting to be shielded to protect from overspill onto neighbors property • Required all new residential development to self retain their on-site stormwater runoff to protect neighboring properties FINANCE • Established a Fund Balance Policy to improve fiscal responsibility • Established updated weekend parking rates for Surfside municipal lots • Lowered the town millage rate for the first time in 3 years • Lowered Town's fiscal 2024 budget compared to fiscal year 2023 • Worked with State Legislature to obtain over $6.2M in grants and appropriations • Enacted policies which balanced the water and solid waste funds previously projected to take 5 years • Established a Capital Improvement Projects department, saving millions in future project management costs. RESILIENCE & INFRASTRUCTURE • Dune resiliency and restoration and removal of invasive species • Increased height requirement of seawalls to protect from flooding • Allowed for non-habitable understories to promote more resilient homes • Rolled out "eyes on the water" smart water metering systems to allow residents to form better water conservation habits • Converted all town property irrigation to "smart irrigation" to monitor watering patterns and rain events for more efficient water usage • Redesigned Collins Avenue water main • Manhole rehabilitation project, which stops rainwater from entering sewer treatment, saving the town over $750 a day • Initiated a stormwater master plan to identify and address weak points and devise solutions • Attempted to onboard utility providers in order to mitigate cost of undergrounding for residents • Purchased backup stormwater pumps to prevent gap in service if pump goes down • Initiated dune restoration project to protect from storm-water surges • Incorporated sustainability and resiliency into Town Planning TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT • Established a Town Social Media channel • Established a new level of transparency and communication with residents by creating and sending frequent email newsletters • Initiated an email from the Mayor's office entitled; A Day in the Life of the mayor, summarizing every phone call and meeting conducted through the week • Established the first ever State of the Town Address to inform residents of town projects and upcoming initiatives UPHOLDING CIVILITY & DIGNITY IN OFFICE • Brought decorum back to our Town meetings through enforcement of our rules and regulations • Restored dignity back to the Surfside Gazette by eliminating the Town Commission section from the publication

A Vision for a Thriving Surfside
As we look ahead to the next term, let's dive into the exciting projects that will shape our community's well-being and future. Curious about my priorities? Take a peek at the transformative initiatives I'm eager to work on as we move forward...
Completing my Pedestrian Safety and Walkability initiatives to safeguard our children and seniors.
Adding FREE kayaks and paddleboard rentals at 96th Street Park for residents
Continue to promote resident's quality of life by enhancing community events and programs
Continuing to work with Florida Legistlature to protect Surfside from harmful legistlation.
Completing the Downtown improvement project and town-wide beautification project.
Focus on safety by improving and adding street lighting in the residential district.
Promoting health by completing the new free-for-residents indoor gym and pickle ball center.
Creating additional parks and green spaces to promote healthy lifestyle for all residents.
Continuing towards the successful implementation of the utilities undergrounding project.
Colaborate with our local schools to explore partnership oppurtunities and initiatives.
Building Bridges & Breaking Barrieres
Proud to be Endorsed by...

Jimmy Patronis
Florida Chief Financial Officer

Shevrin D. Jones
Florida State Senator

Esteban Bovo, Jr.
Mayor, City of Hialeah

Goran Cuk
Commissioner, NBV

John Healy
Surfside Police Chief (Ret.)

Fabian Basabé
Florida State Representative

Mike Caruso
Florida State Representative

Sally A. Heyman
Fmr County Commissioner

Sen. René Garcia
Miami-Dade Commissioner

Richard Chervony
Vice Mayor, North Bay Village
Get Involved
Questions? Comments? Want to get involved in the campaign?
Send me an email... I'd love to hear from you!
Voter Registration
The best way to support my run is to VOTE! Please take a moment to ensure you are a registered SURFSIDE voter. Use the links below to check your registration status, register to vote in Miami-Dade County, and for your convenience... vote by Mail, the easiest and most convenient way to ensure your voice is heard!
Town of Surfside Elections
MARCH 19, 2024
The deadline to register to vote for the 2024 Surfside elections is: February 20, 2024
The deadline to request your mail-in ballot is: March 9, 2024